Who Is a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover Surgery

The ideal candidate is a healthy woman who doesn’t plan on having more children. This is because additional pregnancies can cause damages to previous makeovers. Ideally, women should have finished breastfeeding their youngest child and should be able to maintain their weight. A mommy makeover is a series of surgical procedures performed in order to restore a new mom’s body back to its pre-pregnancy state. Depending on the individual needs, any combination of procedures may be used for mommy makeover surgery. These may include a breast lift or breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, liposuction, butt lift, or labiaplasty. In rare cases, a breast reduction may also be in order. The effect pregnancy has on the body is unique, which means a mommy makeover can be different for every patient. Contact us at Ashpole Plastic Surgery to explore your options.